Conestoga Wood Species (UNFINISHED)

Select Your Wood Species
* Premium Grade Available 
Standard Grade Alder Rustic Knotty Alder Standard Grade White Birch Standard Grade Cherry
Alder Alder, Rustic
(Not Available With Mitered Doors)
Birch, White* Cherry*
Rustic Knotty Cherry Standard Grade Hard Maple Rustic Knotty Hard Maple Standard Grade Hickory
Cherry, Rustic
(Not Available With Mitered Doors)
Maple, Hard* Maple, Hard Rustic
(Not Available With Mitered Doors)
Rustic Knotty Hickory Standard Grade Knotty Pine Standard Grade Red Oak Standard Grade Quarter Sawn Red Oak
Hickory, Rustic
(Not Available With Mitered Doors)
Pine, Knotty
(Not Available With Mitered Doors)
Oak, Red* Oak, Red, Qtr Sawn
Rustic Knotty Red Oak Standard Grade Walnut
Oak, Red, Rustic
(Not Available With Mitered Doors)
Oak, White* Walnut*   Maple, Paint Grade - Wood Panel
Maple, Paint Grade - MDF Panel